In the first part of the book GM food is framed as an international environmental problem, and the various goals and definitions of the five different types of sustainable development are outlined. In the second part of the book the various arguments that GM food either advances or doesn't advance the goal of sustainable development are outlined. In the third part of the book the relationship between sustainable development and GM food is summarised and then evaluated.This book will be of interest to anyone who is interested in environmental and developmental issues. The author outlines five different varieties of sustainable development and relates these to one particular environmental issue - the genetic modification of crops. Topics covered include Deep Ecology, Beck's Risk Society, ecological modernisation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and developmental issues between 'North' and 'South'. The whole range of arguments both for and against GM food are outlined and evaluated. It is also claimed that the genetic modification of crops sheds light on the wider 'technological' relationship between humans and their environment.CONTENTS:1 GM Food as an International Environmental Problem2 The Varieties of Sustainable Development3 GM Food Advances the Goal of Sustainable Development4 GM Food Doesn't Advance the Goal of Sustainable Development5 Summary of the Relationship Between GM Food and Sustainable Development6 Evaluation of the Relationship Between GM Food and Sustainable Development